They're here already, and they're pissed at what we've been doing with the planet.
Slice of life? How about a slice of consciousness?..
And for an even more fantastical - improbable?- look at it, this is Take Two.
Wanna feel puni, earthling? The little dot on the left side of this picture is Mercury passing in front of the sun.
Kids sue governments for not taking climate change seriously.
Luke Taylor took this shot of Cape Byron Lighthouse in Australia. Here’s the video.
Mark Gee shot this real time moon rise over Wellington, New Zealand in 2013. See the video.
From Blazepress: Cool new gadgets at CES 2019
Working in the other direction- would you upload yourself to a computer? Two different visions: Take One...
Scientists discover how to 'upload knowledge to your brain'. So- which pill, grasshopper?
If Betelgeuse (that's the bright star near Orion's belt) went supernova, it would light up the night sky for two months.
How the internet has changed even the most isolated places in the world. Click thru or click here.
I think, therefore I decide. Embrace Bayesian probability. Then look it up.
Will AR (Augmented Reality) change your world? Probably in ways we can't imagine (see next panel).
Great little short about time travel and all of its goofy potential.One-Minute Time Machine
A new hand developed by our robot overlords.
“No matter where you go, there you are.”